Friday, April 13, 2007

Scary stuff

Well first of all, this will be scary for Sara and Robin.....but also for myself. (sara cause she's got no idea I can post here)

This is my first ever blog-post and I'm not exactly a good writer unless it's supposed to be insulting =p
Anyway I was talking to sara today with cams on and I realized something scary...when my cam is dark....and I sit in a certain way, I look like robin....this sure hurt my self-esteem real bad....but I decided to share this shocking news with the Ameegos world. Unfortunately I have no idea how to use MSN to take pics from the cam (if it's even possible) so I had to search for a program that can do that....unfortunately (again =) the only one I found in my quick search was a crap program...and it was a real slow download, so during this time the light changed in the room so the likeness to robin isn't as obvious (and the damn program required payment if I wanted to get pics without an ad on them =).
So yeah..I ran out of the room to find a hat, then ran back and tried to take as many pics as possible, unfortunately only one even resembled myself (and Robin) so here you go. (and I know..the hair kinda ruins it even more =)
"I laugh in the face of danger....then I hide until it goes away"


Unknown said...

ok ok ok, so personally... i would LOVE to hear strict say "iffen"

hahahahaha and right this very second, strict said "B double E double R U N" soooo.... the likeness does not stop with a picture... im worried.

Strict As Hell said...

well I prefer "Effin" so....

and you forgot to post the whole word/phrase....think about siu that wont be able to figure out what "B double E double R, U, N" means !!

Admin said...

HAHAHA STRICT YOU DO LOOK LIKE ROBIN!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA! Oh, and btw you don't need a special program to get pics from your cam, just do a print screen, and then go into MS paint and crop yourself out of the image, save that, upload it and voilĂ . And if for whatever reason you can't do that, then just ignore everything I say...forever and ever and ever.
and ever.


Admin said...

ARSA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YU DOING AWAKE AT 4:50 AM???????????????????????????????????????????!!

Unknown said...

I WAS AWAKE AT 7 AM!!!!!!!!

hahahaha i may or may not be a bit sleepy today.... :D

Boyitz said...

Strict, you sonofabitch. You're right!! I have no idea what that is. Print screen is the way to go....not that I'd know.

Admin said...

beer run?

Tawanda! said...

i still maintain that with no hat and his hair down, he looks like Jesus!

Strict As Hell said...

Tawanda: Too bad that Golden (AussieKate) started to call me that like 8 months you're a bit late =)