Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tawanda's Trip to Florida!

And some sunsets

More Sandbanks pics

Hard to believe this isn't the caribean and that big body of water isn't the ocean.

Groundhog The Movie

Our little friend is back - wait a few seconds for it to load

Friday, June 29, 2007

Back from our road trip!

So we are back from the Sandbanks provincial park. We walked for miles on this beach, biked from beach to beach, swam, drank, ate, slept, tanned and relaxed. I feel human again. I'll post more pics as the area is gorgeous.

Who knew Chris had a part time job?

Peter Griffin Working At Burger King - The most popular videos are a click away

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

macman 2 Peter Griffin the truth

so what do you think?

Even More Groundhogs.....

and the legend that is Bill Murray!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More Groundhogs

Groundhog Day

Ever get that groundhog day feeling? I did today with a little bugger running across our garden. Cute don't you think!

Me and Meg at the water front

Cabot Tower on Signal Hill.. St. Johns NF

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Berg outside Quidi Vidi gut, St'John's, NL

The boat in the pic is about a 30 footer, glad I got it for scale

Friday, June 22, 2007

Faces of Admin

Many of you may only know Chris as the TOP Admin in the room. But let me show you a few pics you have never seen.

Admin look - We all know this look and what it means......Be on your best behavior!

The Smile - This is a rare sight, that you may have seen after watching him for A VERY LONG time.

PARTY TIME - This has never been seen before! But you know when its late at night and everyone is asleep he joins a Disco-Lovers Video chat room and dances all night long!


Ladies Man - We all know how he loves the ladies.

Have you seen this guy?

Open letter to all Ameegos from DooD

Hi Dood emailed me this morning and asked if I would post this for him - it reads

Open letter to all Ameegos from DooD

I am having this posted on the blog as my goodbye letter to Ameegos. After several years of fun in the chat, I think the time has come for me to move on. Trust me when I say that I am not leaving because of anyone or anything in particular. I love all you guys. You have made me smile on bad days, laugh on good days....given me a place to vent my frustrations, and a place to meet what I truly believe to be some of the best people in the world. I am not posting this as an attention ploy, my mind is made up that this is the best thing to do. I have promised a few people that I would never just leave without at least a goodbye and this is my goodbye. I will promise you tho that if I ever have a change of heart then I will only come back as change of name games....but I dont think thats going to happen. Thank you all for the great times and allowing me to share in a part of your lives. I love you all. God bless. Goodbye ~~~~ DooD

I personally wish him all the best and it's been a joy to know the guy, lets hope he changes his mind soon
Chris (macman)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


This is a bookmark. Thought it was cute. If you cant see if clearly is says: Love at first sight doesn't happen before breakfast. Hehehehe. Hope you enjoy.


I'm sure everyone is sick of the geese, but hey, I love them! Plus they make cute noises

Monday, June 18, 2007

The latest garden critter

We now have Turtles - anymore critters and I'll be opening the macman zoo!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Heres Last Weeks Birthday Girl

here is the birthday girl.......

Tinkerhell's 21st Birthday!!!! Wooo hooooo! 6/19

Happy Happy Birthday dear sister of mine!!!!
May you have many more fun birthdays!
now everyone line up & give Tinks her
birthday spankings!!!!
Love you XXX De

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Geese Gonanza!!

Well we fed the goose family again today, as the babies are getting big quickly and we wanted to take more pictures! So here you go.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Baby Raccoons (Video)

Feeding Geese!!!

Adam and I fed the goosie family after work today. The babies are getting big!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Damn the kids are a handful...!

Seems our resident Raccoon has had babies - 5 in total here's a few of them out for the first time today!

Told ya I'd get around to it. :)

Part of my yard. This isnt so so recent... so things are a bit greener now...

This is the creek... with no water... that I've gone to since I was a kid. It's right in the woods behind my house. pretty nice with or without water :D

And finally... for Naomi... It's my Dean awake and alert for ONCE in his life... gotta love that cat.
Talk to ya all soon, and sorry it took like 400 years for me to FINALLY make this dial up work long enough to send these. Have a good one!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007