Saturday, March 31, 2007

Two Taws For The Price Of One

Damn there's two of them

do blondes have more fun?

hahaha totally bad picture of the phenomenon known as blonde me!! ummm... i was pissed at my boobs... 'nuff said. :)

A Safety Message From Admin


Total Control Freak

Present Admin Control Centre

Testing the new "After Life" Admin Control Centre

Friday, March 30, 2007

Scratchy made me!!!!

Let me just say .... I am so sorry. hahaha This is not my choice!!!!

Ameegos News that is News Worthy

Well, Krit whupped his unit out for the ladies just now is right at the top of the list. I personally didn't see, but I have a good source. In some personal news, Myzticalrain and I are now a couple, and she will be moving here to Missouri to be with me soon. We are looking forward to sharing life together, best I know how to say it without being to mushy in the news. I can't wait till I can take the kids fishing. Stinky (siu) proposed to stinkette, and she accepted. We all wish stinky and the soon to be Mrs. all the very best. (way to go bro) In other news, DooD is still a self affirmed perv, as is Easy. I've heard rumours the Tinkerhell has a boyfriend....I wonder who???? :Whistle Yummy has quit her job, and found a new house...I'm sure that all of us wish her and Bruce the very best, and congrats yumms on the new place. There appears to be , for lack of a better term, an ameegos photoshop war, going on, lmao. Great job on Robin Hood Naomi. I laughed until I cryed. And my fair maiden...excellent choice, heh. Little John need to clean his act up I think though. I believe weisel has just about completed his song he based off the song for the mainstream people, I can't wait to hear it. Lets see, thats about all I can think of at the moment. Further updates as conditions warrent.


Gotta love SPRING in the middle of NOWHERE!!!

Little John

Who better than Scratch??

It's Friday!

FINALLY! Work is fairly busy this morning, but I always have time to photoshop. I will continue to add to the roster of Robin Hood characters, so watch out. None of you are safe! If you go on cam, be prepared to see yourself on the blog (Dood, if I ever do use you, I will make you soooo unrecognizable, no one will have a clue, ok?).

Work awaits! I have about 2000 files I have to upload.

Maid Mariane

Robin Hood! Please save me from the evil King!


I'M SORRY CHRIS! I JUST HAD TO! And just think, your revenge will be sweet!

Our very own Jester

If we have Robin Hood, then we need our very own court Jester. And who better to fill those tights than Krit!?!?!

Krit's changing hair color

After years of going from red, to blonde, to brown, Krit has finally settled on a hair color.


hahahahaha a perfect time for a cam to freeze!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New hair colours - what ya reckon?

Got bored and opened up photieshop

When Chris says he is wearing his admin hat....

This is the hat he is wearing.

You know we love you Chris!! Attention whore and all!

Why Chris enjoys being an admin....


What's it like being an admin

Naomi - Pr0n Purvey0r

Meet Naomi our resident Pr0n Purvey0r and blog mistress.....!

Miss Robin Hood

I figured I should give Robin Hood a little Red Riding Hood since now everyone things he is a gay man in tights. (nice nails Tawanda!)

Tawanda - The Movie

A bitter story of lost love and revenge
(click on picture to see bigger version)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Vintage Porn???

ok who wants to star in my movie venture???

Yummy's not a morning person

Gromit (her dog) say's Yummy always seems to be on a different planet first thing in the morning!

Exclusive - macman gets new head

Dotcom Entrepreneur Businessman Head

My New Home - If I don't Find something soon!


Picture of Yummy's Bed

Just before I left last night I snapped a picture of Yummy's wonder the girl always has a smile on her face!!!

Robin Hood

Does this really need any explanation?

Something tells me I found my new desktop picture...

haha... i actually would love to have this thing for a pet!



Perhaps I should babble away about nothing. Maybe then I will be somewhat entertained.

It is lunchtime here in cubicle land. I am currently munching on a roast beef sammy (no mayo, mustard or butter) and a diet pepsi. Really, can lunch be any blander? I don't think so. I have 3.5 hrs. left of work, and then we are off to visit adam's insane family. Ya, sucks to be me. All I really want to do is go biking around the lake by our apartment, but nooooooo. After that we are off to do some food shopping as the only things in our fridge are beer, vodka and a slab of cheese. Is it any wonder why we don't have children? Our cat has more food than we do.

How much time have I wasted writing this? About 1 minute. Not enough. I suppose I could go back to work, but what fun is that? Do I really want to continue coding, review coding, validate coding, upload coding? I swear, I live, breathe, eat, sleep Web site crap. Anyhoo, enough of this nonsense. Work is demanding some attention.

Oh, and before I forget, popcorn really does make me fart and I am currently sporting a pimple right under my nose. I'm a sexy beast.

Nobody rides like Naomi...!!!

Bonjour Ameegos!

Now that Chris resides in Canada, he has embraced the French culture. "Mais oui, je t'aime beaucoup Wild1. Tu est merveilleux, et je veux faire de l'amour avec tes jambes, comme le chien que je suis."

What Tawanda...

Really looks like.

(I swear I'm not picking on you tawanda, but that image with your family makes for great photoshopping!!)

New look

Yep, the ameegos blog now has a new look. I think it looks better.

wtf!?! ?

sooo this picture makes me laugh... and i'm putting off homework... so i figured i'd share. :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And..I'm bored....

It was crazy at work yesterday. Today, not so much. I'm bored.

I know what you are all thinking...just surf the Web Naomi! Unfortunately, about 98% of the Web is blocked from work. My surfing consists of ameegos blog, and


Soo...what's new?

Have I missed anything exciting in ameego land?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Wild1 really is wild...!!!

You can spot Taw by....

Her flowing hair and the glass of wine stuck in her hand

How To Tell Macmans Mood



Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't mess with my 'fro bro!

They caught me while I was primpin my 'fro. Part of my Lenny Kravitz look.

Latest in high fashion

This is what you can be wearing, if you were a high fashion model like me.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


In the wild, lives this creature. It is the Hominidae Fabaceae Amanitaceae Yummylae, commonly known as the yummy.

Look Ma...


I am not an emo!

Only emo's say that!

Arsa #2

Sara is a very intelligent girl, but there are times when even the facts of life evade her.


Guess what everyone in ameegos is getting in their stockings this coming Christmas!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Post by Robin for scratch

Lmoa Posting for the scratch man lol.